Where a child lives should never determine whether a child lives.
The NCDI Poverty Network works to bring lifesaving care to children and young adults doubly burdened with severe, chronic noncommunicable diseases and extreme poverty.
The NCDI Poverty Network—an international collaboration of national commissions from countries representing the poorest billion as well as technical, policy, and advocacy partners—supports countries as they implement PEN-Plus, a proven strategy for reducing the death and suffering of the world’s poorest people, primarily children and young adults, who live with severe, chronic noncommunicable diseases.
Principal Strategic Initiatives
The NCDI Poverty Network disseminates and builds on the findings of both the Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission and National NCDI Poverty Commissions to inform the policy and financing landscape for an expanded agenda around NCDIs affecting the world’s poorest.
The NCDI Poverty Network facilitates collaborative research to understand key gaps and develop innovative solutions to improve integrated care delivery for NCDIs.
The NCDI Poverty Network supports development, piloting, and scale up of innovative service delivery models to decentralize interventions for the prevention and management of NCDIs.
The NCDI Poverty Fund aims to catalyze large-scale financing through public-private partnerships to support national operational plans for PEN-Plus.