Giving mid-level providers the knowledge and skills to lead PEN-Plus clinics
The NCDI Poverty Network training team, working in collaboration with partners in lower-income countries and subject matter experts from clinical, academic, and policy institutions across the Network, provides support to implementing partners and countries on developing training programs for nurses, clinical officers, and other mid-level providers delivering decentralized, integrated care by developing curricula, open-source training materials, and an e-learning platform.
To date, the team has focused mainly on leveraging experience, partnerships, and broad program visibility to provide responsive support and guidance to implementing partners and countries that are initiating and scaling up implementation of the PEN-Plus model for integrated chronic care services for severe NCDs at first-level hospitals. (Phases 3 & 4 of the NCDI Poverty Network’s four-phase theory of change)
Training Objectives
Develop an e-learning platform to support all phases of PEN-Plus implementation (including initiation, scale-up, and continuing professional development)
Ensure sufficient specialist availability and education regarding PEN-Plus strategies in endocrinology, cardiology, and hematology
Develop video conferencing strategy for case review to support continuous professional development
Engage with regional bodies to create enabling environment for inclusion of PEN-Plus recognized scope-of-practice with certification for mid-level providers
Twenty-nine technical, research, and advocacy organizations focused on type 1 diabetes, sickle cell disease, and rheumatic and congenital heart disease have contributed existing materials, input, and feedback to developing the training curriculum and materials through participation in the PEN-Plus Partnership’s Training Working Group.
The training team has developed a working library of training materials that includes training slide decks and clinical protocols for management and treatment of chronic conditions across eight clinical areas, including: cardiovascular disease; diabetes; sickle cell disease; respiratory disease; renal; liver; mental health; and palliative care. Version 1 of the materials is now available to implementing partners on a shared drive. And the training resources will be continuously improved and expanded through an iterative process based on countries’ needs and feedback.
The training team is also developing and piloting an e-learning platform for the core PEN-Plus conditions. The e-learning platform has been designed to be responsive to country needs and complementary to other PEN-Plus training and programmatic materials. Training modules for heart failure and cardiovascular disease have been completed and piloted, and diabetes modules are under development.
In addition to this foundational training for providers in new PEN-Plus programs that are opening their first clinics and training sites, the team’s training framework also includes working with in-country partners to develop programs for master trainers; advanced training, refreshers, and continuing education; and accreditation and formal certification and advanced degrees for PEN-Plus providers.
Learn more about PEN-Plus Training
Gedeon Ngoga, Director of PEN-Plus Training for the NCDI Poverty Network and the Center for Integration Science, discusses the PEN-Plus model and PEN-Plus training.