Ana Mocumbi

Ana Olga Mocumbi, MD, PhD, FESC

Co-Chair, NCDI Poverty Network

Professor of Cardiology, Université Eduardo Mondlane

Ana Olga Mocumbi, MD, PhD, FESC, a Co-Chair of the NCDI Poverty Network, is a cardiologist with a particular interest in neglected diseases of poverty. She is also a Professor of Cardiology at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in Maputo, Mozambique, and she is Head of the Division of Non-Communicable Diseases at the National Public Health Institute in Mozambique’s Ministry of Health.

Prof. Mocumbi earned her MD in 1992 at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. From 1992 to 1997, she acted as a general practitioner and health manager, gaining experience on management of National Control Programs for major endemic diseases. Her postgraduate training in cardiology took place in Mozambique (Central Hospital of Maputo and Instituto do Coração) and France (Hospital Necker-Enfants Malades). She holds a Diploma in Pediatric Cardiology from the University René Descartes, Paris V - France.

From 2004 to 2008, Dr. Mocumbi worked as a Research Assistant at the Imperial College London, where she obtained her PhD investigating the epidemiology of neglected cardiovascular diseases. Under this program she launched a research project on endomyocardial fibrosis, which included large-scale community-based studies and clinical research in a rural endemic area of Mozambique (Inharrime), involving collaboration with the Heart Science Centre and Magdi Yacoub Research Institute in the United Kingdom.

She served as a co-chair of the Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission, and she is involved in several local and international research projects and partnerships, including international registries, clinical trials, and health systems research. She is editor of the Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy Journal and has published original papers in peer-reviewed journals and didactic publications.

She is currently vice president of the Pan African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR) South Region (and Member of the PASCAR Taskforce on Hypertension); a co-leader of the Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute for the Sub-Saharan Region; and a member of the World Heart Federation’s Scientific Policy and Advocacy Committee.