Cambodia NCDI Poverty Commission Convenes for First Meeting
Dr. Kol Hero of the Cambodia Ministry of Health and Dr. Choub Sok Chamreun Khana (in person) and NCDI Poverty Steering Committee Member Yogesh Jain (remotely) delivered opening remarks at the first official meeting of the Cambodia NCDI Poverty Commission.
The Cambodia NCDI Poverty Commission held its first official meeting on 20 May 2022. The Cambodia Commission is hosted by Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA) and the Ministry of Health NCD Division.
Opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Kol Hero, Head of the NCD Division at the Cambodia Ministry of Health, Dr. Choub Sok Chamreun, Executive Director of KHANA, and Dr. Yogesh Jain, speaking as a member of both the global Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission the NCDI Poverty Network Steering Committee.
In addition to his opening remarks, Dr. Jain spoke throughout the meeting, sharing his perspective and experience as a leader of the Chhattisgarh NCDI Poverty Commission and as South Asia Regional Lead for the NCDI Poverty Network. Representing the NCDI Poverty Network Secretariat, Dr. Neil Gupta presented on the Network’s work and impact.
The meeting focused on reviewing the Cambodia NCDI Poverty Commission Terms of Reference (TOR) and introducing the conceptual and analytical framework for prioritizing severe NCDs that disproportionately impact children and young adults living in extreme poverty. The meeting was attended by Commission members and key partners, including representatives from the Ministry of Health and KHANA, national research institutions, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), and the NCD Alliance.