Beyond the Conference
NCDI Poverty Network members gather on the photo stage at the first International Conference on PEN-Plus in Africa.
The first International Conference on PEN-Plus in Africa (ICPPA 2024), which took place April 23–25 in Dar es Salaam, brought together PEN-Plus enthusiasts from 52 countries. The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa sponsored the landmark event in collaboration with The Helmsley Charitable Trust, the NCDI Poverty Network, and the Government of Tanzania.
In addition to participating in the conference itself, NCDI Poverty Network members took several occasions to gather, reflect, and renew their commitment to ensuring that lifesaving treatment reaches those who need it most. The gatherings included:
A visit to Tanzania’s inaugural PEN-Plus clinic. The National Institute for Medical Research graciously hosted a visit from two dozen members of the Network’s High-Level Advisory Group. Members joined with Network leaders in touring the facility in Kondoa and meeting with patients living with severe noncommunicable diseases to understand better how PEN-Plus can transform lives.
The first in-person meeting of the Network’s Steering Committee. The Network launched during the height of the pandemic in 2020, and its Steering Committee members are spread across ten countries. This event represented the first time that members could transcend Zoom screens to share their insights in person.
A technical session for PEN-Plus implementing partners. This time in Dar es Salaam, the National Institute for Medical Research hosted implementing partners representing 14 PEN-Plus countries for a meeting focused on practical issues ranging from patient retention to national training plans.
The Network’s first Advocacy Summit. Also held at the National Institute for Medical Research headquarters, this event brought together Voices for PEN-Plus advocates, local advocates living with severe noncommunicable diseases, PEN-Plus Partnership representatives, and Network leaders to brainstorm ideas for increasing the scope and effectiveness of our collective advocacy initiatives.
“The conference was a triumph,” said Dr. Gene Bukhman, co-chair of the NCDI Poverty Network. “The energy, connections, and momentum from our week in Tanzania will undoubtedly enrich our work and strengthen our commitments to PEN-Plus and each other.”