Network Publishes Portuguese Edition of PEN-Plus Clinical Handbook
The PEN-Plus clinic at Nhamatanda Rural Hospital in central Mozambique holds a peer support group meeting every month for people living with sickle cell disease and their families. During the session above, Dr. Lindolfo dos Santos conducts a tutorial in Portuguese on management of the condition and proper nutrition. (Photo: © Ivan Simone Congolo / World Health Organization)
The NCDI Poverty Network recently published Ferramentas Clínicas e Normas Programáticas do PEN-Plus, a Portuguese edition of PEN-Plus Clinical Tools and Programmatic Standards.
The Network’s Programs Team created the handbook as a reference both for planning PEN-Plus programs and for assessing and refining existing PEN-Plus clinics. The team has already published English and French editions of the handbook.
“By providing a crisp definition of PEN-Plus clinical care—including the diagnostic, treatment, and patient support services available—these handbooks inform clinic and program planning, budgeting, and operations,” said Dr. Emily Wroe, the Network’s senior director of programs. “With clarity around these services, clinics can extrapolate additional parts of the program, such as lists of essential medications and equipment, training needs, and healthcare-provider competencies.”
Dr. Wroe added that all three editions will change and adapt as PEN-Plus systems strengthen and clinics achieve higher levels of care and standards.
Ferramentas Clínicas e Normas Programáticas do PEN-Plus is available as both a flipbook and a PDF download.