News and Stories

International Conference Series on PEN-Plus in Africa to Debut in April
Paula Byron Paula Byron

International Conference Series on PEN-Plus in Africa to Debut in April

“PEN-Plus” was coined only five years ago, but already the integrated care-delivery model is receiving a spotlight on the global stage, with the launch of the first annual International Conference on PEN-Plus in Africa. The invitational conference will take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in April.

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Integration Science Can Help Heal Global Health Inequities
Paula Byron Paula Byron

Integration Science Can Help Heal Global Health Inequities

Integration science can do more than deliver quality healthcare; it can also deliver global health equity solutions. That’s the central premise of “From Local Innovation to National Scale to Global Impact: Integration Science as an Engine of Change and an Agenda for Action,” the second annual symposium of the Center for Integration Science in Global Health Equity.

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PEN-Plus: A Holistic Approach to Healthcare
Allison Westervelt Allison Westervelt

PEN-Plus: A Holistic Approach to Healthcare

“It is inconceivable that a 20-year-old man would weigh only 55 pounds,” said Bright Mailosi, a specialist in noncommunicable diseases. “So much could have been done to intervene when he was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Although I wish PEN-Plus had arrived in Karonga years earlier, I’m excited that we’ve changed the narrative of how complex NCDs are managed in rural areas.”

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CPHIA Side Event to Focus on PEN-Plus in Southern Africa</a>
National Commissions Allison Westervelt National Commissions Allison Westervelt

CPHIA Side Event to Focus on PEN-Plus in Southern Africa

The Southern Africa Regional Hub of the NCDI Poverty Network and the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) will co-host a side event during the Third Annual International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA), which will take place at the Mulungushi International Conference Center in Lusaka, Zambia, on 27–30 November.

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Network Aligns with the Ministry of Health and PEN-Plus Partners in Nepal
Allison Westervelt Allison Westervelt

Network Aligns with the Ministry of Health and PEN-Plus Partners in Nepal

A team of NCDI Poverty Network technical experts recently traveled to Nepal to align with partners following the Ministry of Health’s decision to expand PEN-Plus to four more district hospitals. The Network group spent the week collaborating with the Ministry of Health, UNICEF, and the Kathmandu Institute of Children Health (KIOCH) to understand how the success of PEN-Plus initiation in Nepal can be replicated nationally.

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João Mindo: A PEN-Plus Success Story
Allison Westervelt Allison Westervelt

João Mindo: A PEN-Plus Success Story

For three years, João Mindo had difficulty walking, eating, and even breathing. It wasn’t until a PEN-Plus clinic opened in rural Mozambique that he received his diagnosis: rheumatic heart disease. Following mitral valve repair surgery in Maputo, the 14-year-old now receives care close to home.

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Undaunted Spirit Despite Dual Diagnoses
Allison Westervelt Allison Westervelt

Undaunted Spirit Despite Dual Diagnoses

“Tawonashe is exactly the kind of patient for whom PEN-Plus was designed,” said Dr. Alvern Mutengerere, project manager for noncommunicable diseases at SolidarMed, the implementing partner for the PEN-Plus clinic in Masvingo.

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PEN-Plus Partnership High-Level Advisory Group Convenes in New York City
Allison Westervelt Allison Westervelt

PEN-Plus Partnership High-Level Advisory Group Convenes in New York City

The High-Level Advisory Group of the PEN-Plus Partnership met in New York City on 19 September to discuss the progress and future of PEN-Plus, an integrated care model that diagnoses and treats severe noncommunicable diseases in rural areas of low- and lower-middle-income countries, where more than 90 percent of the world’s poorest people live.

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Network Celebrates Launch of Voices for PEN-Plus</a>
Allison Westervelt Allison Westervelt

Network Celebrates Launch of Voices for PEN-Plus

“We know what is best for us,” said Anu Gomanju, a person living with rheumatic heart disease in Nepal. “That’s why our needs and voices need to be prioritized.”

Gomanju made that statement in late September, during the online launch event for Voices for PEN-Plus. Sponsored by the NCDI Poverty Network, Voices for PEN-Plus brings together people living with severe, chronic, noncommunicable conditions to advocate for PEN-Plus implementation in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

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