An Underpinning of Research

The Network curates a selection of PEN-Plus publications for the International Conference on PEN-Plus in Africa.

Okoboi George Williams, the microscopist for the PEN-Plus clinic at Atutur General Hospital in Uganda, tests blood samples to screen for sickle cell disease.

The NCDI Poverty Network’s research team works with partners in lower-income countries and collaborators in regional and global institutions to apply integration-science principles to inform the design, implementation, evaluation, and scale-up of healthcare delivery models that can, like PEN-Plus, thrive in low-resource settings. Findings from this research program offer insights that both enable quality improvements and suggest new avenues of possibility, such as demonstrating the feasibility of adopting continuous glucose monitoring in low-income settings.

In preparation for the International Conference on PEN-Plus in Africa, the Network’s research team curated a collection of research papers aimed at orienting a broader audience to PEN-Plus and integration science. The “Selected PEN-Plus Publications” document was shared on the conference website and app, and it is available as a downloadable PDF.


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